Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Specialists

Tile and Grout Cleaning

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Tile and grout in floors and kitchen back splashes easily collect dirt over time. With the right cleaning tools and solutions we can get your tile and grout looking fresh again.

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Moist areas of your house such as bathrooms kitchens are the most susceptible to grime. In bathrooms, it's usually mold or mildew causing stains. In kitchens, usually it's a combination of food stains, traffic, grime and mildew. Carpet Valle will use the right chemicals for the right place; An alkaline solution is used first, moving up to stronger agents like acidic base cleaners in most soiled areas. The combination of our cleaning solutions, appropriate brushes and attachments to our powerful truckmount machines get it done right the first time. 


After all the cleaning and scrubbing, we highly recommend sealing the grout immediately after the clean to protect it from further buildup. Cleanings, washes, and sealers are all priced by square footage.

Call today for a free estimate!
407 814-3920